10 Creative Brochure Design Tips

We Print On Demand
Creative Brochure Design Tips

10 Brochure Design Tips

Are you interested in creating a powerful print media campaign? Stand out from the rest with these top brochure design tips from your trusted graphic design and printing company.

Know your Message

What is the core message you want to get across with your brochure? Have you got a new product you want to introduce to the market? Do you want to educate your target market about your business in its entirety? Another good route to take is to communicate with your clients. Ask them what questions they want answered. Identify exactly what you want to achieve.

Once you have identified your key message, it is time to look at content and design.

Consider Font Carefully
Adding a variety of fonts to your brochure design will not grab attention, rather, this will deter your audience from reading a thing. You don’t want to overwhelm the viewer with over the top design work.

Your Paper Stock

Take note of your paper stock options. Your printing company will assist you with all the paper stock information you require, and guide you as to what finishes and coatings best suit your design vision. From matt finishes to uncoated paper, you have a lot of choices and you can use this to your advantage.

Content is King

Good content/copy is one of the most vital elements of your brochure design. Your copy needs to be part of your overall brochure design concept. Make sure that your copy gets your message across effectively, and suits the design you have in mind. Don’t go overboard by providing too much information.

You don’t want to overwhelm the reader with too much text. Focus on powerful headlines to draw the eye of the reader as these will direct them to the content they are interested in.

Your Reader is your Priority

Always keep your end goal in mind when designing your brochure. Make sure that your specific message is relayed effectively, and immediately. Are you promoting a giveaway? Do you have a new product that you want to move off the shelves? Do you have an event coming up?

Make sure that when the reader opens your brochure they immediately understand your message. Design your brochure for the reader!

Keep it Simple

As mentioned previously, you don’t want to overwhelm the reader with too much information. Of course, you can get creative with your brochure design, but don’t distract from your core message.

Focus on readability. This means a focus on copy, font, headlines, graphics and photographs.

First Impressions Matter

Brochure design needs to be in-line with your brand and business identity. From company colours and logos to graphic design, ensure that your brochure reflects your business and your brand.

Jetline: Brochure Design and Brochure Printing Experts

Brochures are one of the most effective marketing tools. It is vital that you work alongside an experienced branding company and printing company to help you create a brochure design that will convert leads into clients.

Contact our design, branding and print professionals today and deliver a powerful brochure print campaign.