The Purpose and Benefits of Direct Mail

We Print On Demand

Direct mail serves many marketing related purposes and comes with many benefits. So, where does Direct Mail fit in today’s digital world? In today’s multi-channel communication age, direct mail no longer stands alone as a marketing tool and can be strategically used to complement a variety of marketing channels. And it is actually a preferred marketing channel!

Here, we look at the purpose of direct mail and how it can benefit your overall marketing campaign:

Communication Preference

A study entitled, “The Formula for Success: Preference and Trust,” by Epsilon, concluded that people prefer direct mail over email in all marketing categories, from financial services to travel services.

Always keep your consumers preference in mind when putting together your marketing campaigns, the last thing you want to do is alienate them from your business. And if you are wondering about millennials and direct mail, they appreciate it more than digital marketing campaigns.

Why? Click here and learn more.

Acquisition Marketing

When looking for new customers, and have contact information on your leads, an email won’t make that much of an impact, if any. If anything, it would be an irritation to the consumer, and you don’t want your business communication to be considered spam!

In contrast, direct mail reaches the consumer in a more personal manner, either through a person’s mailbox, or it will land right on their doorstep. Direct mail enters the consumers space and cannot be easily ignored. It WILL be seen and it will make an impact.

Multichannel Marketing

By strategically aligning and merging direct mail and digital marketing into a unified marketing campaign, your campaign response will increase dramatically. This is because you are giving your consumer options and you are interacting with them on a variety of platforms continuously.

More and more studies prove the success of multichannel marketing. Start small and test various combinations of digital and traditional marketing to determine the best multichannel strategy for your business.


Direct mail is great for mitigation, from up-selling and cross selling, to inactive motivators and bounce backs. You can use direct mail for specific actions for certain clients. It is vital that your content and design speaks to your consumer and encourages them to read further and follow through on your Call to Action.

A great way to get the attention of the consumer is through Variable Data Printing. This is personalised printing that speaks to your client as an individual as opposed to just a number.

Learn more about Variable Data Printing here.

Marketing Longevity

Digital marketing, from emails to social media sponsored ads can be deleted and quickly forgotten about. Remember, we are easily distracted online!

Your direct mail is tangible, and will make its way into the life of your consumer. They will interact with it while sorting out their mail, read it, and leave it on the kitchen counter or on their desks. Other people in the vicinity will come across it, read it, and your message and brand name will continue to grow.

A well-designed mail campaign, whether a brochure, flyer, CD, or catalog, with a relevant message, has the likelihood of staying out of the trash long enough to become actionable. If you want your campaigns message to last longer than a few seconds, then printed mail is the way to go!

Jetline: Professional Printing Company South Africa

Jetline has the facilities to create eye-catching, personalised mail drops, and can create direct mail that is personalised to the last detail. With personalisation possibilities including letters, cards, packaging, and more unique text and images.

Find your closest Jetline store here to learn more about our offerings.