Why Variable Data Printing and Direct Mail are Valuable Marketing Tools

We Print On Demand
Direct Mail

Today, we are inundated with various online marketing stimuli that compete for our attention. From sponsored Facebook ads and re-marketing campaigns, to spam-like emails. We are overwhelmed with information. Personalised direct mail breaks through this digital marketing noise and offers certain things that digital marketing cannot provide.

  • Noticeable:The consumer is more likely to notice, open, read, and remember direct mail than digital marketing content. It is viewed as less intrusive and makes the consumer feel special, and recognised by the company.
  • Emotive: Print marketing is tangible and creates an emotional response in the reader. By interacting with the marketing material through touch, the consumer becomes more susceptible to being inspired and moved by the brand. This inspiration calls them to action!
  • Persuasive: Whether created to encourage a store visit or a specific product purchase, as mentioned above, Direct Mail provides a call to action that resonates.

Direct Mail Drives Behaviour and Revenue

A study by the Canada Post found that the consumer not only notices, opens, and reads direct mail – they enjoy receiving it!

The study found:

  • 70% of consumers are curious about what is in their mailbox
  • 51% of consumers prefer a combination of marketing communication. This being: email and direct mail.
  • 74% notice adverts in their mail.

Direct mail has continued presence in our homes, from catalogs on coffee tables, to menus on the refrigerator. These items are usually kept in the home for a month or longer.

The Study also found:

  • 80% of the consumers remember reading or seeing mail sent to them in the past month.
  • 60% said that smart mail advertising kept the brand top of mind.
  • A third of respondents also said that it is the MOST effective way to get them to remember a service or product.

By combining email, digital marketing, and direct mail, you form a marketing win. Each form of marketing drives the other. This kind of multi-channel marketing ensures your brand reaches your audience.

  • 64% of consumers visit a website in reaction to mail.
  • 47% visit a store in reaction to mail.
  • 54% engage with social media platforms as a result of direct mail.

The printed word is an exceptional marketing tool. This is because it offers a tactile interaction with the consumer. This kind of interaction is engaging and the consumer retains the information easily.

Professional Printing Company South Africa

At Jetline, we understand and appreciate the power of print marketing. We have put together direct mail solutions, from personalised mail (Variable Data Printing) to traditional direct mail marketing options, to suit any budget. Our professional team work with you to ensure the ultimate end-result.

Contact your closest Jetline store today and get marketing!