Create the Perfect Letterhead Design for your Business

We Print On Demand

There is a difference between receiving business documentation on blank, standard paper and one with a well-branded letterhead design. The difference is professionalism. Your business documentation and business letters are not just a communication tool, they are a marketing opportunity.

Your letterhead design is often the first interaction a potential client will have with your brand. Other times it is used to reinforce your brand identity with current clients.

It is imperative to get your letterhead details correct, and to create something eye-catching.

Here, we look at some tips to help you create the perfect letterhead design for your business.

Keep it Simple, Stupid

It is important to create a simple letterhead design. Remember, your letterhead needs to make space for important information.

Your letterhead design needs to showcase your copy, never pulling attention away from it. Rather, your letterhead needs to work as a frame, directing the eye to well-presented information.

Use Hierarchy in your Letterhead Design

Your letterheads purpose is to convey important information effectively. The most vital element of your design is informing the reader who the letters comes from, be it your company or an individual from your company. Then a return address, email, and contact details need to be displayed as a Call to Action, encouraging further communication.

Your key information needs to be clearly displayed in the design. When it comes to your secondary information, simply reduce font size and place this content neatly at the bottom or side of your design – whatever suits your look and feel.

Design for your Medium

Consider how your letterhead design will be used and distributed. Will it be printed, digital or both? When designing for print, always make use of bleed areas and margins. Design your printed letterheads in CMYK colour, while RGB colour is appropriate for digital design.

Also, remember that if you are printing your papers on an office printer, avoid light tints of colour. These do not reproduce well on office printing equipment.

Brand Representation

Your company’s brand identity can’t be ignored for the sake of a creative letterhead.

Every aspect of your design needs to be in-line with your brand identity, i.e.: font, colour, logo and graphics.

Stand-out Print Design Elements

If you are working with a professional printing company, consider how you can make use of specialised print techniques to make your letterhead design stand-out.

From letterpress design (i.e.: embossing and debossing), to die-cutting, metallic ink, UV ink and foil binding. Speak to your professional printing company and learn about the options that are available to you.

Alignment and Positioning

As mentioned previously, when it comes to designing your letterhead for print, make sure you take alignment and positioning into consideration. This is when bleed areas and margins become critical. You don’t want your letterhead to be cut off awkwardly when it goes to print.

Your letterhead also needs to be designed for different paper sizes. Always design your letterhead for every paper size you will use.

Be Careful with Colour

Colour is always a great way to draw the reader’s attention and your brand colours are a big part of your overall brand identity. Yes, colour is a powerful marketing tool, but too much of it can break your letterhead design.

You don’t want to overwhelm the reader and distract them from the content with overly colourful designs. Be smart with your colour display.

Jetline: Letterhead Design and Letterhead Printing

“Brand is the sum total of how someone perceives a particular organisation. Branding is about shaping that perception.”

Branding is a part of business that should never be ignored. It is vital for a company to be recognised easily. This is the foundation of all brand awareness.

Contact your closest Jetline store for more information on our letterhead design and letterhead printing solutions and promotions.