Design the Best Business Cards for your Company

We Print On Demand

You have probably been handed hundreds of business cards, but you have probably only held onto a few. What exactly saved those cards from the trash can? Maybe you were interested in the person handing it to you, or you were really interested in the service or product being offered. But the most likely reason for a person to hold onto a business card is when it is a well-designed business card.

A strategically and creatively crafted business card gives businesses a boost by promoting brand awareness and encouraging potential clients to contact the company directly. It all comes down to conversion!

Brand Cohesiveness

Your business card should communicate the nature of your company instantly. Think of your business card as an extension of your marketing strategy. You need to take your brand identity and style guide into consideration when designing your business card. It is vital that you include certain elements such as your logo and company colours to ensure cohesive brand identity across all your marketing platforms.

Content is King

If you are giving out your business card, you obviously want people to contact you directly. Your name, title, company and contact information should be clearly displayed. Don’t get overly creative when displaying this information, you don’t want to make the reader have to search for your information.

Readable Font

The typography you choose immediately sets the tone and overall feel for your business. Make sure to use a font that offers optimal readability and is in-line with your brand identity or style guide.

Popular Business Card Fonts Include:

  • Futura
  • Helvetica
  • Adelle
  • Swiss


Business card printing tip? Work with a professional printing company and print designer as the process of design requires specific skill.

Designers should always stick to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key (black)) when designing business cards for print. This ensures the ultimate end-result and the card will look exactly as anticipated once transferred from digital to print.

If your designer chooses to work in a RGB (Red, Green, Blue) profile, the colours won’t transfer as precisely as CMYK.

Fun fact: On average, people keep colour business cards 10 times longer than a standard black and white card.


By adding a “bleed” area, your design won’t be affected if there is a slight inconsistency in movement while printing.


Typically three finishes are available, they are: linen, smooth and laid. Smooth finish is the most popular. Speak to your printing company to find out what finish they believe will work best for your business card design.


To ensure maximum impact, invert your text, White on black, or white on any dark colour for that matter, makes your design stand out even more.

Professional Business Card Printing Company South Africa

If you are looking to create effective business cards, the key lies in strategy and working closely with professional print designers and an experienced printing company. Jetline caters to the entire printing process, from design through to delivery.

We also offer unparalleled business card promotions – for more information click here.

Contact us today for all your design, printing and branding requirements.