Awesome Brochures and Posters: Printspiration

We Print On Demand

The markets are becoming more competitive, regardless of your expertise or industry. Now, more than ever it is vital to come up with innovative ways to stand out.

This is the online age, with digital marketing constantly evolving and growing. We as a society are always online, Googling specific information or scrolling through our social media platforms. We are online for a reason, a definite purpose, and we subconsciously shut down to any adverts that pop up on our screen. Go to your Skype now. Did you notice that there was a massive banner on the side of the page? Probably not. This new-age phenomena is referred to as “banner blindness.”

Many advertising strategies tend to overlook traditional marketing, but this kind of marketing has proven power. Unlike online banners, traditional print marketing is placed in locations where we search for distractions, places where we need something to occupy our time. In waiting rooms we pick up pamphlets or magazines, and when stuck in traffic we read the billboards and posters that line the side of the road. High quality print advertising is placed tactically, reaching your target market effectively and bringing feet through the door while furthering brand awareness.

When it comes to print marketing, it is imperative that you draw the eye of the consumer. To create successful pamphlets, brochures, flyers or posters, you need to work closely with an experienced graphic design team and professional printing company to ensure a quality end-result.

To get you in the spirit of print marketing, take a look at these genius posters and leaflets that certainly draw the eye and leave an impression.

Powerful Posters and Brilliant Brochures


This is a powerful advert depicting Superman in a drunk driving accident. The tagline that goes along with the image is: Don’t let your ego drive you. Imagine seeing this plastered on the side of the road when you are ready to take the risk home after leaving the pub!

Panasonic: 3D TV

This fun and imaginative image perfectly sums up the power of 3D Television. It makes your screen come alive, and invites the characters into your home.

The cuteness of this poster is endearing and definitely draws the eye.

Kimberley Clark: Your hands can be dangerous

Kimberley Clark launched a powerful campaign aimed at educating society about the bacteria that flourishes on our hands. This poignant visual perfectly sums up the danger.

It is also done in a cartoon-like way, you know, we need to teach hand washing to the kids and all…


This Triangular Folding Brochure print is powerful because it plays on our senses. This interactive brochure creates a tactile experience, and this kind of advertising has been proven to be effective. This is because the reader retains the information provided because of the sensory experience itself.

Aspirin Bayer

This campaign is entitled “Work Ache” and brilliantly depicts a feeling we can all relate to. Using a work place object and adding a smart graphic design element to it, we immediately know what the image represents. And Aspiring Bayer is just what is needed to cure this “work place” headache.

Adult Swim

This awesome brochure for Adult Swim’s Comic-Con booth is viewed with polarised 3D glasses. This brochure was handed out to visitors and was an innovative way to interact with fans.

The glasses make the saturated colours appear closer, and make the less saturated colours recede. This design was achieved using fluorescent spot colours.


The role and aesthetic of the poster and brochure is always evolving, meeting the ever changing trends of society. These marketing materials continue to flourish and still play a major role in advertising. If you are thinking about creating the ultimate poster or brochure to promote your business, brand or event, you have come to the right place.

Your poster or brochure needs to reflect your message, tell your story and catch the eye of your target market. It is important that you work alongside an experienced design and print company to help you put together a poster that gets clients and potential clients talking.

Contact the print, branding and design experts today the Jetline professionals are here to help!