The Importance of Corporate Branding Solutions

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corporate branding

There are businesses we can immediately identify without batting an eye, from Virgin and Coca-Cola to Nike and McDonald’s. The reason we so easily recognise these organisations is because of their strong corporate branding.

Company branding consists of a logo, slogan, colours and brand personality. This is why it is important that every business, regardless of size or industry, should make corporate branding a priority.

Your branding must always be consistent to ensure it becomes easily recognised. And your branding needs to be present across all your marketing and corporate stationery. This includes everything from letterheads and business cards to billboards and signage.

Here, we unpack 5 reasons why corporate branding is critical for business success.

1. Business Identity

Strategic and cohesive corporate branding gives your business an identity. Your logo and tagline/slogan are the “face” of your business. Therefore, we so easily recognise brands such as McDonald’s and Nike.

Corporate Branding Solutions | Company Branding Services | Jetline

We recognise these brands even if the company’s name isn’t mentioned. You see the golden arches and your mind immediately associates this with McDonald’s. The same goes for Nike’s swoosh.

2. Professionalism

Would you trust a company with no branding? Or a company with inconsistent branding? By having a strong, well thought-out and well implemented brand, your business will be presented as professional, successful and in turn, will be trusted.

3. Trust and Brand Loyalty

Your brand is designed to speak about your business and its values. This is what a consumer places their trust in. Many customers choose to buy products that they recognise, and products from certain companies just because they know and recognise the brand.

Corporate Branding Solutions | Company Branding Services | Jetline

This has an impact on a business’s success, in the short and long term. Once consumers begin to recognise your brand, the more likely they will be to purchase your product – and keep purchasing it.

4. Mark of Quality

As long as you offer services and products that are of good quality, your branding will become a mark of that quality.

Corporate Branding Solutions | Company Branding Services | Jetline

Consumers will associate your business with high quality, trusted products or services. And in turn, your brand will become synonymous with this.

5. Added Business Value

Strategic and powerful corporate branding assists in adding to the value of your company. If you choose to sell your business, your saleability will definitely be improved due to your branding.

Jetline Print on Demand: Your Design, Print and Corporate Branding Professionals

From logo design to corporate stationery and signage, we are the go-to branding company in South Africa.

Contact your closest Jetline branch for more information about our services, and what we can do for you and your brand.