Must See Billboard Design: Printspiration

We Print On Demand

Billboard advertising offers the opportunity to think out of the box, and this is what sets it apart as one of the most successful marketing platforms. Dominant and eye-catching, branding companies consistently get to expand their thinking when it comes to billboard design and billboard printing. This is the ideal platform to grab the attention of the consumer and engage their imagination at the same time.

Billboard Design Printspiration

If you are looking for branding inspiration, take a look at these creative billboard designs:


When isn’t Lego brilliant (besides when you stand on it)? Lego consistently delivers creative and fun marketing campaigns and their billboard advertising is no exception. This particular design was created by renowned agency Ogilvy, and it sits at bus stops throughout Malaysia. The front of the billboard merges effortlessly into the background, while the Lego characters appear to stroll the streets, the advertisement offers us a sneak peek into another dimension.


Created by New Delhi advertising agency, JWT, this Unitech billboard takes marketing to greater heights – literally. This incredible billboard design was created with hundreds of matchboxes, stuck together to form this awesome high rise. The billboard promotes a new luxury gated community in India.


These magnificent designs are a testament to simplicity in design. Created by Swiss agency Advico Young & Rubicam, these billboard prints immediately draw the eye. Every billboard created is a zoomed image of the object behind the billboard, exhibiting the cameras premier zoom quality.


No matter the controversy behind this fast food chain, love them or lathe them, they definitely have some of the best marketing there is. This particular advertisement was created by DDB Stockholm. The design takes an innovative approach to “slashing prices” – strategically placed in the border of Sweden and Norway.

The advert is in place to showcase just how much cheaper the Big Mac is in Sweden. Nice one Mc Ds, not so good for you Norway.

Formula Toothcare

The Formula Toothcare billboard print definitely draws the eye. With the brands tagline being “Build Strong Teeth,” this is creativity at its finest. The detail in the design, particularly the fragmented metal frame, makes the billboard appear hyper-realistic, ensuring the target market looks at the advertisement and engages with its content.

BBC World

This is an intelligent use of space when it comes to outdoor advertising. This billboard was designed by BBDO, a New York based agency and was displayed when the channel became available in the States. The placement and photography draws the eye and tells the target market that BBC has arrived – and it here to report on world events with no censorship.

Kill Bill

World renowned advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi are the creatives behind this awesome billboard print. The advertising agency went all out when promoting this epic Quentin Tarantino gory masterpiece. One look at the billboard and you know immediately what the film is about, just look at that splatter of blood!

Panasonic: Nose Hair Trimmer

Another innovative design from Saatchu & Saatchi, this billboard used real-world elements in its design. This fun design was constructed around actual poles and wires in Indonesia, offering comedic relied for passer-by’s.

Colorado State Patrol

Amelie Company created this epic billboard. With the tagline “Tailgating isn’t worth it. Give trucks room. It’s the law,” the visuals certainly make this clear. The design is simple and certainly grabs the attention of those on the road.


Are you interested in creating an eye-catching print campaign for your business?

Your campaign needs to reflect your brand and business message, tell your story and immediately draw the eye of your audience. It is vital that you work alongside an experienced design company and printing company to help you put together a marketing campaign, from brochures and leaflets to billboard design and billboard prints.

Contact the print, branding and design experts today and be well on your way to print marketing success!