Print marketing Arsenal

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Business opportunities arise at the strangest times, and you always need to be prepared. You know that your website and work portfolio prove your legitimacy as a business, but you can’t exactly expect people to download information and browse your site when networking and socialising. In these situations you are more than likely pressured for time, and you need to make a quick impression.

Whether you are a start-up, freelancer, or business to business corporation, it is important to stand out from the crowd. Here, we take a look at some printspiring ways to showcase your business:

The Business Card and Business Card Printing

Business Cards | Design and Print Services | Jetline

Any professional understands that the business card is key to networking success. So, how do you stand out and showcase your business effectively on this small piece of paper? As with most marketing platforms, you need to think outside of the box. Your business card isn’t just an easy way to hand over your contact details, it is an opportunity to showcase your business personality.

Business Card Design Tips

Make the most of the space offered on your business card – take advantage of double sided printing.

Think of your business card as a small canvas to showcase your business identity and personal brand. The design that goes into your card needs to be in-line with your brand identity, and should never deviate from your style guide. It needs to tell your brand story quickly and effectively. This is why it is important to work with professional print designers. They will take all elements of your brand into consideration, ensuring your business card represents your company in its entirety.

When it comes to the size and material of your business card, think outside of the box. By putting together a card that is stylistically related to your craft, you immediately showcase your business and your business personality.

For example: If you are a modern business that likes minimal design, try a sleek matte finish on a square or triangle shaped business card. If you are a trendy, fun business, folded or rounded edges are also a fun way to make a statement and stand out from the crowd – take advantage of die-cut printing! Any shape, size or design is possible!

Postcards and Postcard Printing

Of course, business cards are a necessity, but having a little extra company information printed out on a creative postcard makes for a particularly memorable business introduction.

A postcard offers more space, helping you get your message across. Leave your promotional postcards at locations your target market frequent, and give them out at industry related functions.

You can also send personalised postcards to clients via direct mail. This is a great way to build customer loyalty, and create continued brand awareness.

Postcard Design Tips

As with all elements of your marketing, you need to plan ahead. Dissect and fully understand the brand message you want to get across. This kind of strategic thinking will add to the design and content of your postcard.

By planning ahead and working alongside an experienced content writer, graphic designer, and printing company, you are sure to deliver a successful postcard campaign. Don’t rush the result, take your time – planning makes perfect!


Brochures and Booklets

Networking functions and trade shows are the ideal place to handout your booklets and brochures. These marketing tools are portable, and offer enough space to showcase your business effectively and quickly. From accordion fold-out booklets, to traditional brochures or a single page flyer, you can throw these materials into your bag and mingle with the crowd confidently.

Brochures are usually 20 pages long, and designed with an eye-catching front cover, brand approved font, and brand approved imagery. Today, advertisers understand the need for innovative design, and all businesses, from large corporations to start-ups, have taken to developing brochures that stand out with one of a kind design, texture, and shape.

Stickers and Stickers Printing

Let’s be honest, everyone likes a freebie! Quick, affordable, easy, and convenient, stickers are a fun marketing tool. Give away stickers with your logo, services, and contact details printed on them.

Many businesses have stickers at their display stands and give them away with products.

Activating your Brand with Print Marketing

When your customers and potential customers come into contact with your brand, this is an opportunity to portray your identity and shape business perceptions. In this regard, print marketing is essential. Brochures, newsletters, billboards, business cards, and flyers continue the conversation well after the client has left. These marketing platforms significantly affect the way your brand is perceived.

This is more than just plastering your logo across these points of contact, it means telling your brands story, identifying what you do best, and explaining how your business can solve a particular problem.

Contact your closest Jetline store for all your print marketing requirements, from business cards to billboards – we offer it all.