10 Printspiring Print Adverts

We Print On Demand

Print is a powerful marketing tool that is still incredibly relevant, even in the digital age. Whether small scale brochures, or massive billboards, print plays an important role in marketing success.

No matter the print medium you choose, you need a concept that grabs attention. A concept that will stick with the viewer long after initial exposure.

Printspiring Print Adverts

Take a look at these printspiring adverts that certainly leave a long-lasting impression.

Penguin Books

How awesome is this visual? Penguin Books put this campaign together to promote their audio books. This campaign featured images of famous authors, Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, and William Shakespeare, acting as headphones, whispering into the listener’s ear.

This visually interesting print campaign went on to win a Gold Press Lion at Cannes International Festival of Creativity.

National Geographic Kids

Often, we find that a simple approach makes the greatest impact in marketing.

This charming National Geographic Kids advert proves the power of simplicity in print marketing. As soon as you look at this advert, you are intrigued. You also immediately recognise the target market and understand the context of the design.


Ogilvy & Mather created this smart print campaign for an allergy medicine. Another simple print design, the humble colours and simple illustration speaks volumes.

The advert pops from the page and its message is quickly interpreted.

Ashtanga Yoga

“Before your back attacked you, Ashtanga Yoga at the Garage Fitness Club,” is the quirky tagline of this print campaign.

The ads inventive visuals definitely gets the message across quickly.


This campaign does not require any text. Its powerful imagery speaks for itself.

Upon first glance we recognise the mechanic and are made brutally aware of the fact that extinction cannot simply be fixed.

OndAzul NGO: Sardine

Another environmental awareness advert that stirs emotion.

It is important to note the exceptional photography, with careful shadows and clashing colours. It is this close attention to detail that immediately draws the eye.

With the tagline, “Is it what you expect to find in the sea? Neither do fishes,” combined with the image, the message is quickly passed on to the viewer.

Band Aid: Hulk

With the recent surge in the popularity of the superhero genre, many brand have taken advantage of their drawing power.

This print advertisement showcases how print design can be used effectively. There is no text or tagline, just a clean image of The Hulk’s hand, with the product in the bottom of the image.

This perfectly expresses the strength of the product – no words are needed.

Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers is not exactly the brand you picture when thinking about influential marketing. However, this advert is powerful and influential!

The perfectly made-up lips juxtaposed to a greasy batch of chips makes for quite the uncomfortable image. This advert is not telling you to stop one thing or other, it is telling you to treat yourself better. A simple, emotive, and highly personal advert that works beautifully.

Bioenergy Nutrition

Bioenergy Nutrition, and Italian health supplements company, chose to promote the benefits of low levels of cholesterol. And this macabre print campaign was conceptualised.

Butter is cast as the “baddie” in a recognisable way, being sculpted to represent a well-known horror movie villain. Nothing more needs to be said.

Quebec Automobile Insurance Society

Driving safety is a difficult subject to approach for any ad agency. It needs to leave a powerful impression on the viewer, while maintaining the core message. This is a campaign that does all of this – and more.

Another print advertisement that needs no words…


Your brand design forms the foundation of your brand identity. These are graphical representations that fully encompass your business, becoming the visual signifier of your company.

When clients or potential clients view your print campaign, they should immediately recognise your brand and service offerings.

Designing a magazine print campaign, brochure, business card, or any related print marketing material is not a simple process. It takes strategy, testing, and a professional graphic designer, printing company, and branding company.

Are you interested in creating an eye-catching and effective print campaign for your business?

Contact our graphic design, branding and print experts today.