How to stay inspired when designing a logo

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The perfect logo design doesn’t just manifest out of nowhere. Graphic designers need to stay inspired when creating the perfect logo for a brand. So, where do you look for inspiration without having too many design ideas cluttering your creativity?

Here are a few suggestions to help get your design inspiration flowing:

Clear your mind through doodling

You may find yourself overthinking a design and there is nothing more frustrating than second guessing your design consistently. An effective way to clear your mind of creative anxiety is through doodling. As this is an unguided design process, you are sure to experience a sense of inspiration through this exercise.

There is a possibility you will end up with a page full of what appears to be random squiggles. But if you look closely, you may discover something that sparks your imagination, whether a random shape or oddly connected lines.

Look beyond your comfort Zone

All graphic designers know that it is important to look at classic logos. But don’t just stop there. Widen your horizons. Look beyond the world’s most recognisable logos for inspiration. Investigate designs from other countries and lesser known brands. View design in the wider world.

If you come across a unique design that stands out, leverage off this. Use it as a starting point to jump start the evolution of your design.

Investigate your client’s history

Take a look at some of the logos your client has used in the past. This is an interesting task, especially if the business goes back a few years and is looking to re-brand.

You may be inspired by the past, and choose to position the company as a heritage brand. Alternatively, you may decide to completely overhaul the design, propelling the company into modern times.

This process helps build a sense of brand continuity in your design, and helps you sell your idea to your client.

Look to the future

Sit down with your client and try to understand their future business goals. Discover what they envisage for their company over the next 5 years. Consider the direction that is imminent, and remember this when designing their logo.

This kind of thinking promises design longevity. Basically, you need to future-proof their logo!

Get an outside opinion

Call a friend! A fresh eye provides you with valuable design insight. Of course, you need to get as much information from your client as possible, but it is beneficial to look at your design with untainted eyes.

If you have worked on a few ideas, present them to a friend who has no connection to the project. Ask them what they think of the design. Sometimes someone’s fresh opinion is what you need to spark more inspiration.

Go through your personal design archives

For almost every logo you have designed, you have probably put together a few sketches before you decided on “the one.” Don’t ever throw away your earlier ideas. They can work as valuable resources for future projects.

Take a look at your older work. You never known, you may find a design that is perfect to nurture and grow.

Always be receptive

Inspiration can strike anywhere, at any time. Always be receptive to the ideas that pop up in your minds eye. Never just dismiss an idea. Sketch them out as they come. Look at them at a later stage and see if they could possibly work within the parameters of your client’s brief.

Remember, you are at the early stage of your design. You need to let the creativity flow. This way, you will have plenty ideas to work with. You can combine the best elements from each design to help you begin the design process.

Take a break

It is important to give your mind a break from time to time. If you have designers block and can’t think of any ideas, never try force it.

Give your mind a break and let your brain focus on something else for a while. Read a book, watch a film, play a game, or take a power nap. Sometimes taking a step back releases a sudden outburst of inspiration.

Jetline: Professional branding, graphic design, and printing services

Your logo forms the foundation of your brand identity. It is a visual representation that encapsulates your business, becoming the graphic signifier of your company.

When customers and potential customers come across your logo design, they should instantly recognise your business and service offerings.

Designing a logo is not a simply process. It takes strategy, testing, and a professional graphic designer. Logos are not just fonts and icons thrown together. They are the face of your business and must be taken seriously.

Are you looking to create an effective and eye-catching logo for your brand? Contact our graphic design, print, and branding experts today!