Improve your Logo Design Skills

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A brand refers to the relationship between the consumer and the business, while the logo is the visual projection of this relationship. The logo reminds the consumer of the relationship that they have with the particular business or organisation. It is important to do the relevant research, ask the right questions, and intricately understand the psychology of the design before submitting a logo to a client. Here are a few tips for those looking to expand their logo design skills.

Research is Key

Logo design is not just about creating a pretty design. Logo design is about capturing the essence of a brand, effortlessly reflecting what a business stands for. With this in mind, research forms the solid foundation for a successful design.

Learn as much as you can about the brand you are designing for – from its history, mission and vision to its service and product offerings. Learn about its competitors, how it solves its target markets problem, and how it wants to be perceived by its audience. Then delve into the brands industry, read blogs written by industry thought-leaders, and understand the full history of the industry itself. This will help you see what separates the brand from others in the sector, and give you a great head start in the initial meeting between yourself and the client. With a fully rounded view of the brand, the client is more likely to trust your design opinion and rightly so. This kind of research is just the first step in the design process.

Always Ask Questions

Now it’s time to dig even deeper. Take advantage of the lines of communication between yourself and the client. Ask the relevant questions, and find out all you can about the brand, its people, company culture and brand personality.

Who is your target market?
What are your future business plans and goals?
Who do you consider your primary competitors?

These kinds of questions may seem simple, but they provide you with insight, helping you create a logo design that offers longevity as the business evolves.

Step up your Typography Game

Fonts are important, think about it. You probably automatically recognise the Coca-Cola font or the Porsche font. This is the power of typography in branding and logo design. Always consider font, and using a font that provides a distinctive look to the business. There are a multitude of new fonts being released every single day, and these new fonts could provide you with the inspiration you need.

Colour is Key

If you are working on an established brand, with existing brand colours, you are lucky enough to have a foundation to build from. However, if you are designing a logo for a new business or putting together a complete business rebrand, you need to put a lot of time and effort into sourcing the right colours for the brand. Colour has been proven to have a powerful psychological impact on the consumers purchasing decision. Colour and business branding is inextricably linked. This is because colour provides an immediate method for putting across a particular message, and emotion, without the use of text. It is this visual component of design that is remembered the most.

The colours chosen for the logo will be a part of the overall brand, and feature on all marketing and business materials, from email signatures and websites to business cards, billboards and packaging. You need to establish whether or not a colour/colours are appropriate for the brand personality and business offerings.

Colour increases brand recognition by an astounding 80% and studies have determined that the relationship between a target market and a business depends on if the colour of the brand is deemed appropriate for the business itself.

Think about it on a basic level. If a business is selling funeral cover, a luminous pink logo would be inappropriate. Colour needs to fit with the brand it is selling. Do your research. Find out what colours are associated with the particular industry, take business personality into consideration and make sure the chosen colours reflect well on all platforms and always make sure the logo works just as well in black and white.

Jetline: Professional Branding, Graphic Design and Printing Services

Your logo forms the foundation of your brand identity. It is a graphical representation, one that encapsulates your business, becoming the visual signifier of your company. When customers and potential customers see your logo design , they should instantly recognise your business and service offerings.

Designing a logo is not a simple process. It takes strategy, testing, and a professional graphic designer. Logos are not simple fonts and icons thrown together, they are the face of your business.

Looking to create an effective and eye-catching logo for your company branding? Contact our graphic design, print and branding experts today.