Storytelling to Strengthen your Brand: Brand Management

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Storytelling to strengthen your brand

The industry buzzword making the rounds is “storytelling.” And this is not just a passing fad. Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to give your branding and brand management life. It has become one of the primary components for content marketing.

Since childhood we have been captivated by stories, from the fairy tales of our youth to newsworthy articles in adulthood. Not only do “stories” teach, excite and fuel imagination, they also make messages easier to pass on. This is why telling your brand story is vital to prolonged success.

By identifying, capturing and sharing stories about your services and products, you take your target market on a personalised journey with your brand. For customers to form a strong bond with your business, your company stories should be emotive, creative, genuine and inspiring.

When you begin developing your brand story, you need to identify your brands voice, what you believe in, what you stand for and why your story matters to the lives of the consumer.

It is important to note that storytelling in branding is not about creating fiction. Never believe that your brand doesn’t have a story to tell. Your business exists for a reason, you have chosen products and services for a purpose and everything you have done to build your business has a story behind it.

Storytelling and Marketing

So where to begin? Storytelling marketing refers to a brands way of writing, designing and producing content. This comes down to understanding the tone and feel of the brand. This should be consistent in every aspect of the business and on all marketing platforms. Strict brand management is key. Many believe that all good content is based on in-depth storytelling, but this is not realistic.

Some content may just have to be purely informational (pamphlets and flyers with limited space), however the story does not simply exist in text alone. This story is easily continued through design elements, font and colour scheme. Good storytelling doesn’t have to be directly about your business, it can be images associated with your business and provocative design that elicits emotion.

Storytelling in marketing is not a once off exercise, it is about consistency and evolving with the needs of your target market. Everything you do should always fit into that broader narrative: from events and expos to print marketing and digital marketing campaigns.

Identifying Stories to Share

Your story must be personal. Ask yourself how your business came into being. What inspired you to start the company? What is your personal goal and mission? Most of all, reflect on what your target market needs. Remember: your customer is the main character in your story, your business is the supporting cast!

Yes, it is important to tell your own story. However, client narratives have a long term impact on brands. This comes down to testimonials, one of the most powerful elements in the story telling arsenal.

We are not talking about a one liner saying “thank you.” We say EXPAND on that. Contact the customer and delve into their personal story and challenges – and then illustrate the positive outcome they achieved through your services. This kind of content will resonate with your audience and stay with the reader long after they read about it in a brochure or on your blog.

The Best Marketing Mediums for Storytelling

Any medium you use for marketing is a good platform for storytelling. From print to blogs and social media. All marketing mediums elicit different kinds of reactions in your audience, so it is important to remember that all content needs to be tailored to fit that specific audience. Short, clear and snappy content works best on pamphlets, flyers, billboards and TV, while longer messages are required for conferences, blogs, brochures and newsletters.

To be a successful storyteller you need to listen to your consumer so that you can understand their concerns, wants and needs. You can never stop listening. You need to study the reaction of your target market and learn from it. This will assist in the evolution of your business.

You find that as your story grows, your objectives and goals will shift. You need to plan for new and innovative initiatives to help your story flourish and above all else, inspire renewed Call to Action.

Contact Jetline for all your print marketing, digital marketing and brand management solutions today.