Why Top Brands are Investing in their Very Own Print Magazines

We Print On Demand

Creating your very own print magazine is a great way to promote your products and services. In today’s digital age, this is the innovative route to take, and many renowned companies are embracing this marketing tactic, from Uber to Airbnb!

The goal of content marketing is to nurture a trusted relationship with your consumer. Your content marketing strategy should reflect your interest in helping customers, instead of just pushing sales at them. Emotive content marketing is key, and this is why print is the ideal platform.

As human beings, we have a closer and more engaging relationship with print magazines, as opposed to digital publications. Because it is tangible, print publications provide a sensory experience, and with this in mind, has the ability to elicit emotion in the reader.

Print is more immersive and creates a deeper, more devoted connection between brand and audience. A successful print marketing campaign can be measured against customer engagement. All marketing strategies must be put together to provide a rewarding, informative, and engaging experience. And print media offers the opportunity to do so.

Many brands have started to embrace print, creating a more intimate relationship with customers and staff alike, through print magazines.

Uber and Airbnb Print Magazines

As mentioned previously, Uber has its very own print magazine. The “Momentum” publication is targeted at Uber drivers. By developing a communication platform that is specifically dedicated to staff, the company shows just how much they care.

Then there is Airbnb. Another ground-breaking business, Airbnb launched their print magazine, “Pineapple.” This magazine was created to establish Airbnb as a lifestyle brand and industry thought-leader.

The Science of Print Marketing

Studies have shown the difference between the way people process digital information, and the way they process printed information.

Print readers maintain the capacity to concentrate on longer and more in-depth content, because this platform doesn’t come with any distractions, as opposed to the countless distractions on screen and online.

Print allows the reader to digest and retain information – and this is what marketing is all about!