The Integration of Print Marketing and Digital Marketing

We Print On Demand
the integration of print marketing

For many companies there seems to be a great divide between their offline and online marketing.

These departmental “silos” exist only within marketing departments and certainly don’t exist within the mind of the consumer. Your client does not perceive the separation, and perceives the business as one brand in and of itself. By having a different image presented offline and online, how can you expect your customers to trust or recognise your business?

We no longer live in a world with limited communication. Today’s consumer has more points of contact than ever before. Customers casually and consistently come across a multitude of marketing channels, from billboards and brochures to social media marketing and Google AdWord campaigns. If you think about the amount of information we are bombarded with daily, it is no wonder we spend less than 30 seconds digesting digital information. With this in mind, it is imperative that all businesses implement a strong multi-channel approach to their marketing strategies.

Cohesive Branding

Marketers are now having to learn to use different marketing platforms to create a consistent brand experience. It is this kind of strategic thinking that drives an increased impact across your entire marketing landscape. The results offer insight into how each platform influences the other, ultimately optimising your future campaigns further.

With an integrated digital and print marketing approach, your marketing department is able to capitalise on a seamless interaction between offline and online marketing channels. This is about leveraging off existing campaigns and amplifying their reach and conversion. The ultimate goal: to create a nonstop loop of information, increasing your Return on Investment.

How this is Achieved

Drive offline – online. And drive online – offline!

This is about expanding reach.

A print or television advertisement can offer a Hashtag to move the conversation online, while Call to Actions can be created to direct clients to online stores. This goes both ways, of course.

Social Media campaigns can easily trigger offline sales. Digital campaigns can also be strategically used to inform the audience about trade shows, store openings, store launches and expos – gaining even more reach.

Standing out from the Rest with Print Marketing and Digital Marketing

When integrating your offline and online presence, it all comes down to relevance and cohesiveness. By connecting your brochures, banners, print advertisements, packaging, billboards, website, blogs and social platforms, you are strengthening your brand presence and brand identity. There is no longer space for disjointed marketing departments!

Jetline offers advanced solutions for all your print marketing and digital marketing needs.

Contact Jetline Print on Demand: Here

Contact Jetweb Digital on Demand: Here