Millennials Appreciate Print Marketing and Direct Mail Campaigns

We Print On Demand

80 million people make up the millennial generation. The purchasing power of this market has been estimated to be $200 Billion! This number is expected to grow significantly in the next few years, because by the the year 2020, millennials will make up 50% of the worlds workforce. The opportunity to make serious profit off this particular target market is remarkable, and is a significant challenge for marketers.Branding companies, ad agencies, and marketing professionals need to think up new, fresh, and innovative ways to reach this audience.

One of the most surprising facts about these digital natives (IE.: those born into the digital age), actually crave the tactile experience of paper. In fact, 89% of millennials get to their physical mail as soon as possible! They may have 5 email addresses, but they only have one mail box – and they want to know what’s in it!

Print has been proven to engage and resonate with millennials

Customer Focus and Quad/Graphics, put together a study entitled “Millennials: An Emerging Consumer Powerhouse,” which stated that 77% of millennials engage with their direct mail, 73% read retail inserts, 54% pay attention to catalogs, while 51% read printed magazines. WIth these statistics in mind, print certainly offers marketers the opportunity to reach this particular target market exponentially – and direct mail campaigns seem to be key.

Millennials are the most likely of any generation to read direct mail. In fact, 25% of millennials consider reading direct mail a leisure activity. This is a direct quote from an in-depth InfoTrends study.

Who would have thought? But does print actually motivate purchase?

Print Motivates Purchase

The facts?

63% of millennials who respond to direct mail make a purchase within three months. Another study to refer to is the Zero Moment of Truth Macro Study which states that 82% of people, aged 18-34 cite print as part of their purchase journey.

Printed materials are also hugely influential on online purchases. Adverts in print propel 53% of millennials to respond to an online advertisement (QR Codes and coupons that can be scanned also play a role in this statistic). Print compliments digital marketing perfectly – if implemented strategically.

Then there is the study from Bangor University by The Center for Experimental Consumer Psychology. The study made use of an MRI machine. Under the machine, participants were shown digital advertisements and print advertisements. The tactile experience with the printed material actually helped the participants retain the information, spurring the reader to action, and ultimately influencing purchase decision.

Print Matters

The printed word is a powerful marketing tool. It offers tactile interaction that is retained by the reader, as opposed to the vague, fleeting message of online marketing and digital banners.

With print marketing such as direct mail, brochures, and business cards, you have the opportunity to engage with your audience, explain your service offerings, and express the benefits of your business promises. This can all be done in a creative, eye-catching way, helping you distinguish your brand in an over-saturated digital space.

Jetline: Professional Printing Company South Africa

At Jetline we understand and appreciate the power of print marketing and have put together print options to suit any budget. Our professional team work with you to ensure the ultimate end result from design to deliver we are the printing company for you!

Contact us today for more information on all your print and branding requirements.