3 Popular Printing Design Trends

We Print On Demand

Any graphic designer who has worked on a print project knows that their digital design is just one part of the design process. It all comes down to how your design is printed. It is important for designers to understand the latest developments and trends in the field. With this in mind, we have put together the top 3 printing trends of 2018.

Digital Printing

We were first introduced to digital printing in the 1900’s and as digital technology rapidly advances, so too does the popularity of digital printing.

A study estimated that by the year 2020, 17.4% of the value and 3.4% of the volume of all printed materials will be done through digital printing.

The difference between digital printing and traditional litho printing lies in the ink. Litho printing uses wet ink and printing plates, while digital printing uses toners. This makes digital printing faster and more economical for smaller print runs.

And with digital printing comes personalised printing.

Personalised Printing

One of the most famous personalised print campaigns is Coca-Cola’s “Share a coke with…” campaign. A few years ago the company printed millions of bottles with 100’s of different names on them. This made the audience feel more connected to the brand as they searched for their name on a bottle of coke!

But this is just the tip of the iceburg with personalised printing. You can take it a lot further with variable data printing. Variable Data Printing is a popular tool used for personalisation of prints – particularly direct mail campaigns.

Personalised direct mail gives you the opportunity to connect “one on one” with your customer. It is more than just changing the name and address on an envelope. Today, we can take personalisation to another level without disrupting or slowing down the printing process.

If a customer is a fab of a certain product, you can make this the focal point of their direct mail design and change this per customer. If a client is a fan of soccer, a Variable Data Printed postcard with an image of a soccer player printed on it would grab their attention!

The idea of personalised direct mail is to always be adding value by relating to the customer. This builds a trusted relationship and opens up communication between your brand and your customers.

Letterpress Printing

2010 saw the rise of “hipsters” and the letter-press, hand-crafted design aesthetic became increasingly popular with the surge of this style. Letterpress printing is one of the oldest printing processes.

This printing method consists of a surface made up of raised elements (usually letters), which are inked and pressed onto the surface of the printed material. This reproduces the image in reverse and makes certain elements of the design “rise” from the printed material.

Letterpress printing is popular for wedding invitations and business cards. It is also becoming increasingly popular with brochure design.


At Jetline we understand and appreciate the importance of print marketing and printed materials. From Variable Data Printing to litho and digital printing, we offer it all.

We have put together print and branding solutions to suit all budgets. Our team work with you to ensure the ultimate end-result. From business cards to billboards, we are the experts.

Contact us today for more information on all your printing requirements.