Strategic Print Marketing to Grow your Online Store

We Print On Demand

Many believe that if a company exists solely online, that there is no need for traditional print marketing. This is a radical misconception and actually costs e-commerce companies new clients and greater exposure.

Think about brick and mortar stores and their marketing options. Not only do they have digital platforms to leverage off, they can also send out personalised direct mail to clients, install building wraps and customised wallpaper, and place eye-catching banners outside the store.

Though you may not have a physical store, print media should be a part of your marketing strategy.

Why Print Marketing Works:

  • Print materials engage more senses than that of digital marketing, making the content more tangible, easy to digest and above all else, memorable.
  • Print also encourages you to take a closer look at your visual brand and how well it translates across all advertising platforms.
  • Printed publications, brochures and flyers made up of rich and informative content is the best way to build credibility.
  • By constantly and cohesively displaying your brand, you establish your company as a leader in your industry. By exposing your audience to your logo regularly, you build your brand awareness and a sense of community.
  • Print gives your business a personal touch. Sending out print publications made up of thought leader articles and personalised direct mail to your clients, you show them that you care. Once again establishing a sense of trust and community.

As an e-commerce site, you do so much online that you don’t end up interacting with clients and the industry on all levels. You need to form a solid and trusted relationship with your loyal customers to drive your profit, and what better way than through personalised and tangible marketing.

Print to Push E-Commerce

More and more online businesses are investing in print media, including apps such as Uber and Air bnb. If you have ever ordered from a large company, you will have discovered catalogs, post cards and promotional brochures in your mailbox, or in your package upon delivery.

Catalogs have survived the digital age and continue to thrive as they drive customers online. Consumers are able to see what products are on promotion and quickly go online to place an order – creating a streamlined and convenient process of information sharing and purchasing.

It is important to note that a catalog does not have to be 30 pages long to be successful. Even a 3 page review of your products and services has the ability to pique consumer interest.

Brochures, postcards, billboards and banners are all crucial in creating buyer and brand awareness. By seeing your brand on a regular basis, your client is reminded of your products and services, reinforcing your place as an industry leader and once again, building a strong sense of community.

Merging Print and Social Media

Print and social media? Really?

Print and social media actually connect quite exceptionally, especially when it comes to expressing a brand voice. All brands need to keep their voice and corporate identity consistent, and it is this familiar voice that will lead your consumer online and offline. By developing a print campaign that is linked to your social media platforms and vice versa, you are engaging your audience and creating a tangible experience for them – this comes down to developing a sense of community and loyalty.

Create a printed call to action that drives traffic to your online store. Create hashtags so that your audience can interact with you online. Not only will this create conversation with your audience – you will have the ability to monitor what they are saying and track your conversions.

Once you have put together a marketing plan that merges both offline and online marketing tools, your audience will notice your brand more, recognise the professionalism of your company, and above all else, the traffic your store will receive after implementing this multi-channel approach will speak for itself.

Jetline Print on Demand

With branches throughout South Africa, we serve the general public, small, medium, and large businesses and government institutions.

The vast range of products and services we offer include: graphic design, full colour and black and white printing, corporate stationery, document duplication and binding, Photobooks, banners and signs, posters, vinyl and contravision, vehicle branding, website design and much more.

You can view our services here.

Jetweb Digital on Demand

Jetweb is experienced in creating, developing and maintaining a website that represents your brand and speaks to your customer. Our SEO experts drive traffic to your site, ensuring it is always buzzing with activity. Our digital marketing experts follow a well thought-out strategy to identify opportunities to take your online presence to the next level.

We pride ourselves in our ability to provide the most cutting edge digital marketing services, including: website design, learner and business customer management systems, hosting, development, Search Engine Optimisation and Google AdWords services – all under one roof!