Branded Calendars: A Simple Way to Boost Your Brand

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Branded Calendars

We think it’s safe to say that we’re all looking forward to 2021!

If you’re looking for an effective and affordable way to usher in the positive vibes of the new year, while at the same time giving your brand an awareness boost and giving your clients and prospects a gift that’s both useful and long-lasting, then we have some great ideas for you.

At the moment we’re thinking calendars… custom-branded, designed just for you, and as simple or as sophisticated as you would like them to be.  And guess what?  They last 365 days.

Why Calendars?

They’re useful

Who doesn’t love a calendar?  Whether it’s a desk pad to doodle on while you’re on a call, or a standing calendar on your desk (to plan your holidays, and other important business things), or a wall calendar you hang in your son’s bedroom (in the hopes that he’ll actually compute how soon the exams start), calendars are useful everywhere.

They’re affordable

Depending of course on how lavish you want to get, calendars can be the most affordable branded gift you can give – and if you divide the cost by the number of days those nifty little calendars are doing branding work for you, you’re getting real bang for your buck.

You can get creative

Let’s be honest – there’s very little room to get creative on a branded pen, for example.  I’m not knocking those, mind you (you’ll need one of those to mark the important dates on the calendar), but all things being equal – there’s just so much more branding real estate on a calendar.  You can convey your logo and brand style, some signature imagery, some memorable quotes or punchy tag lines and even a list of your products and services – and of course, your all-important contact details. The actual space available will depend on your choice of calendar, but feel free to let your creative juices flow.

They’re doing a branding job

We just covered how creative you can get, which leads to this epiphany:  imagine all that creativity with your brand, visible and on display and being used, for a solid 365 days… that’s branding heaven for you!  Can you say top-of-mind?

Need an excuse to “pop in” on a prospect? Sorted!

If you’ve been working on some prospects that have not quite committed, delivering their calendar gift is the perfect excuse for more face-to-face time.  Who knows what that could lead to?

Showing gratitude

Your current customers or clients are obviously important to you.  How often do you show them?  Giving them a gift that is useful and thoughtful shows them you are grateful and that you care.  If you can deliver it in person then all the better.

Let’s face it, there are many reasons why the humble calendar should take pride of place on your year-end shopping list.

There are many styles, shapes and sizes to choose from, and we can customise them as much or as little as you like.  For clarity on just what options are available to you, why not pop in to your nearest Jetline store, or chat with one of our agents online.