The Importance of Print Marketing

We Print On Demand

Combining a solid online presence with a strategic print marketing campaign is essential to the success of your business. We live in the digital age, but print is still as effective as ever. This form of marketing is used for a variety of reasons.

Educate your Audience with Easy to Digest Print Marketing Information

The printed word is powerful. It offers engaging information that is easily retained as opposed to the sketchier brief message of radio, television and online posts. With print marketing such as brochure prints or flyer prints, businesses have the opportunity to explain their services, products and benefits in a creative and eye-catching way.

When a client or potential client picks up one of these print marketing materials, they are making a conscious choice to find out more about your business. They concentrate on the content and ultimately retain the information – and this is what leads to sales.

Stand-out in an Over-saturated Market

These days the digital marketing industry has become inundated with advertising. Think about how many adverts have popped up on your social media feeds in the last hour. Go look at what is up now. With this in mind, combining print and digital marketing helps you stand out from your competition.

Having a solid print marketing strategy that is linked with your digital marketing strategy, helps you stay ahead of your competition in the market place.

Marketing Longevity

Print marketing lasts longer. Simple as that. Magazines, brochures, flyers and leaflets get passed around to other readers, therefore the information is being passed on consistently. A client may hold on to a postcard or catalog received via direct mail for months. Promotional printed items such as stickers and magnets provide enduring and long lasting messaging.

When it comes to larger outdoor print marketing such as billboards and building wraps, the impact made is massive. These advertisements become part of the environment and remain in the mind of the consumer, becoming a part of their day to day routine, residing in their minds eye well after the advertisement has been removed.

Tangible and Portable Information

Print marketing is tangible and portable. Psychologically, print gives the consumer something that they can engage with. Without a doubt online marketing is an effective form of marketing, but it doesn’t offer tangible engagement and it certainly isn’t permanent. As they say, “out of sight, out of mind.”

Print marketing materials give your customers something that is tangible, personable and most importantly, long lasting.

Professional Printing Company South Africa

We understand that your marketing materials are the face of your brand and that your branding creates a visual and emotional connection with your clients and potential clients.

The Jetline design and printing experts know that your print materials are your visual identity. They represent everything that your business stands for. By having a strategic, well-designed print marketing campaign, the credibility of your business rises along with brand awareness.

We are here to ensure that your brand leaves a lasting impression and that you have all the marketing materials required to make this happen!

Contact your branding, design and printing experts today and get boost your brand awareness monumentally